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Glides are the most innovative product to hit the beverage industry in decades.

The smarter way

Each Glide is embedded with advanced sensor technology.

These sensors detect how much liquid is being consumed, in real-time.

This innovative sensor technology unlocks 3 outcomes:

  • Automated Inventory Tracking
  • Autonomous Refill System
  • 100% Environmental Sustainability

Automated Inventory Tracking

You'll know exactly which Glides are empty, and which unit they're in.

Keeping your staff operations efficient and smooth.

And ensuring that each guest will always have a full stock of Glides.

Autonomous Refill System

Glides notify our Vital drivers when your inventory becomes empty.

Unlocking the ability to pick up your empty Glides, and drop off new ones, automatically.

You never have to transport, clean, or refill a Glide.

100% Environmental Sustainability

Because of the Autonomous Refill System, Glides are reused every time.

Helping to solve the global plastic waste issue being caused by one-way plastic bottles.

1 Glide eliminates the equivalent of 170 plastic bottles, per year.

Plastic waste statistics